8 Small Signs You may have a Big(ger) Problem.

8 Small Signs You may have a Big(ger) Problem.
January 14, 2023 RedHammer

Performing these 8 simple inspections each quarter may prevent small problems from becoming big repairs:

  1. Is there bulge in your flooring? That bump may be signaling a larger issue with your slab.
  2. Flush the toilets in each of your restrooms. Watch for leaks and listen for excessive running.
  3. Walk the floor of your building and look up. Are there spots or blotches on the ceiling tile? This is often a sign of a leak.
  4. Compare your monthly utility reports. Power and water spikes can be a symptom of trouble.
  5. Take a walk around your parking lot.  Are there any tripping hazards?
  6. While in the parking lot, make sure disabled parking signs are in place and undamaged. Check the curb paint and space markings, too.
  7. Walk around your building and look for graffiti. Don’t be a billboard for gangs and budding street artists.
  8. Keep an eye out for fog in your cooler doors. This could be a result of condensation in your unit and time for a closer look..

Alert your building service team. Catching early signs of problems can have an enormous effect on your bottom line.